DYNATIME SAest un distributeur suisse d’équipements pour l’automation et l’électronique industrielle.
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Av. des Champs-Montants 16c
CH – 2074 Marin

Depuis plus de 30 ans, DYNATIME SA est un distributeur suisse d’équipements pour l’automation et l’électronique industrielle.

DRR244 – Montage Rail Din

DRR244 – Montage Rail Din

PID controller Rail DIN mount
Programmable input, isolated analogue output, multi-voltage power supply,
current transformer input, digital input, serial communication


PID controller DRR244 stands out in the segment of rail-mounted controllers thanks to its flexibility and configurability that are summed up in a single ordering code. The analogue input can be programmed for extensive range of temperature sensors (resistance thermometers and thermocouples) as well as for process signals mA/Volt (typically pressure transmitters, humidity and flow sensors). The outputs can be selected as command/multiple alarm modes/analogue retransmission. Serial communication is RS485 with Modbus RTU/Slave protocol. The controller is equipped with extended range power supply 24 to 230V AC/DC with galvanic isolation from the network.

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